Friday, September 6, 2024
Call us now:

Always fresh !

From the farm to the market place, we make daily deliveries throughtout the year.

100% Natural

No additives and we employ organic farming practices to our plants

Best price always

We offer best prices for our high quality and fresh produce in the marketplace.

Why Choose Us

Our promise is to provide the safest, freshest- quality citrus and mangoes produce to our broad client base.

Superior quality

We offer superior quality brands and fruits from our farms.


We have a proven track record of fruits farming of  nearly 50 years.

Honest and dependable

We keep our promises and deliver to our customers at all times

Very competitive rates

We offer competitive prices for our high quality produces.

Great Product Mix

We produce a wide variety of citrus and mango fruits throught the year.

This week’s featured

You have a number of reasons to prefer us!

what our Customer says


    Smith Duen - Store Manager

    Smith Duen - Nutrionist

    Smith Duen -  Operations Manager
Pixie Tangerines- Very Sweet.
Our delicious Satsuma Tangerines.
Apple Mango.
From seed to store, we focus on our plants and our customers and provide a high- quality care and care throughout the production cycle.We provide fresh packing for all our products and same day delivery to our customers throughout the year.We are one stop shop for all citrus and mangoes fruits available around year.
We are committed to health and food safety standards and procedures throughout our handling and production.
We employ sustainable innovations from drip irrigation, minimizing soil erosion measures, to maintaining a friendly eco system for our plants, products and land. .
We provide fruits farming management best practices and services to local communities and our customers .


We are growers, producers, packers and shippers of Citrus and Mangoes Fruits. We produce all types of citrus including Lemons, Navel and Valencia Oranges, Pixies, Clementine’s, Minneola’s, Mandarins, Tangelos and Tangerines. Our Mangoes Variety include, Apple Mango, Ngowe, Tommy, Vandyke and Kent. We produce seedlings for citrus and mangoes varieties with high quality plants and expertise for decades.  Family owned  and operated since 1976. 

Are you ready to order our produces now?

Please contact us , we will meet your needs.